Monday, September 21, 2009

Life, Opinions, ACTION!

Hmm, where to start?
I've got a lot to say, so this blog may be a little long winded, so pull up a chair and get comfy.
First off, I've been really sick for the past few weeks with the swine flu and during this time I was also moving. It sucked, big time. Because I couldn't rest when I needed to I ended up being sicker, longer. I still have a hellacious cough, but other than that I'm feeling a little better. BTW, did I mention that I absolutely LOATHE moving? Just the thought of it exhausts me and there were a couple of times when I was ass deep in cardboard boxes that I almost dropped to my knees and cried. Yeah, I hated it that much. During the move I realized just how much stuff I held onto that I really didn't need. I realized that I'd been holding onto the things that people had given to me that I really didn't want. So, I got rid of a TON of stuff. I'd kept letters and cards that were just sitting in boxes, taking up room. It's not like I had them displayed on shelves or anything, they were just sitting there, collecting dust. So, I bit the bullet and tossed them. There were other things too...things that I really didn't need or use....EVER. What's the point of keeping something that you're not going to use? Shouldn't something that you truly treasure be OUT of a box and shown off? How can you really appreciate it if it's hidden somewhere? Anyway, I tossed a lot of stuff that, quite frankly horrified my mom. LOL. She was like "I can't beleive you're going to throw that away! Your grandmother gave you that." I had to remind her several times that I don't need half of the stuff that I've been storing since childhood and that I really didn't think that Grandma would mind if I donated certain items to people who could really use it and enjoy it! Besides, I don't have room for it....Know what I mean? Well, I really thought that I would post a lot more things, but I'm really worn out and I've got to wrestle the munchkin' into the shower and then BEDTIME! (My favorite time of the day! Yippeeeeee!!!! Maybe later I'll post more.
Blessed Be,
Jai (the very tired Witch)