Friday, August 14, 2009

LotusMoonflower Creations

Well, it took me a while but I finally got my tag offer site up and running. This is where I will be posting all of my weekly tag offers from now on. Origionally they were going to be posted on this blog, but I decided it would be a lot better to seperate them. Hopefully this will cut down on any confusion. Anyway, click HERE to go to LotusMoonflower Creations. My tag offer for the week of 8/17 - 8/21 is already up for request. And don't forget to tell your friends!
Have a great day & Blessed Be,
Jai (aka LotusMoonflower)

Sick & Tired

I am so sick and damn tired of hearing about Michael Jackson! Seriously, I've had it. To add insult to injury I go into Walmart a couple of days ago and right there, as soon as you walk through the doors there's a rack with Michael Jackson tshirts hanging on it. WTF? About a decade (or longer) ago Walmart stated that they would NOT sell the music of Marilyn Manson because, apparently, Walmart didn't like his religion. (And if you ask me, I think some of his popularity grew because he was such a controversy, but I digress + he's AWESOME!). So, here's Walmart, with their "upstanding morals" refusing to sell the music of Marilyn Manson, but they're totally fine with selling merchandise of an accused child molestor? Are you kidding me? I wonder if Marilyn Manson died tomorrow (Goddess forbid!) if Walmart would retract their "morals" and decided to cash in on the death of a human being?
If Michael Jackson had been convicted of the crime he'd been accused of committing would Walmart still be making a profit from his death? Would it matter? Would those children whose lives had been affected (ruined, hurt, shattered) matter to a company with such upstanding morals? Exactly whose morals are they trying to pretend to defend, here?
Hey, Walmart, try this on for size: Don't cut off the nose to spite the face. You either have morals, or you don't. And don't try to sell people the idea that your refusal to sell music created by (the AWESOME) Marilyn Manson had anything to do about "morals", because the SMART people know exactly why you did it. At the time of the announcement, Walmart was predominately in the southern states, which holds the bible belt. Walmart just didn't want to lose half of the redneck shoppers, plain and simple. In the mean time, you really need to train your employees in customer service!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sexting, Erotic Encounters &

I just finished reading an article in "Glamour" magazine that I found completely shocking. Truly shocking. Entitled "Sex With A Stranger" I sorta knew what I was about to start reading, but NOT to THIS degree. Men and women have been going to bars FOREVER looking to find a "hottie" for the night. I know that the local bar has turned into a yahoo chatroom these days, but I had no idea just how many "hook-up" sites were on the internet! The article mentioned the "Craigslist Killer" but, in my oh-so-humble opinion I don't think they mentioned the word "KILLER" quite enough. Geez, ladies! Have you no respect for your own body? Here's the REALLY scary part: Memberships to online hook up sites INCREASED by 5% since the sad (and shocking) story of the Craigs List killer....are you fucking kidding me? INCREASED! Ladies, women's lib wasn't started so you could actually CHOSE to get yourself raped and murdered by the guy that sent you the email with the LEAST misspellings. Just because somone sends you an email when he's intown and "seems" nice doesn't mean that you know him or that he's nice at all. And for Pete's sake, if you are going to take a chance like that with your safety, do yourself a favor and sign yourself (and a couple of buddies) for self-defense classes. Hey, I'm not here to judge, and I'm definitely not here to preach to you ladies, but get smart and, like the Girl Scouts teach :BE PREPARED! Be safe,'re worth it.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tag Requests

Someone told me that I needed to start putting the tags I make in my blogs so that they can be requested. My tags are for request in 2 groups on cafemom, but I think I'm going to start widening that to my blogs as well. If I get enough requests, I'll re-open my "Always List" on yahoo. We'll see how it goes.
Above is my offer for 8/10 - 8/14 ONLY. Any requests after the 14th will be deleted. It's a gif file and with a translucent background.
I am using the FTU (free to use) artwork of David Desbois. You can find his AMAZING artwork by going to

New Look & Movie Suggestion

Yep, I got bored and decided to play around in the html section of my blogger. Pretty cool, no? Anyway, onto one of the best action movies I've watched in a really long time. I finally sat down and watched the movie Taken earlier today. It's PG13 and there's nothing that I would consider AC (Adult Content) except for the language. There's nothing sexually explicit in this movie but there are situation that really aren't suitable for young children. Check out the trailer:

This was a great movie and well worth the watch.
(And a big "Thank You" to YouTube for the trailer!)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's A Major Award!

Ok, I know, that's a cheesy title, but I just LOVE A Christmas Story.....cracks me up. But, seriously, I was given a blog award today! How flippin sweet is that? Isn't it cute as hell, too? A huge "Thank You" and a big ol' "YOU F'n ROCK" to my girl MamaJosephine (The Tarot Queen...haha...omg that rhymes!) for thinking of me. I'm honored and kinda surprised that anyone actually reads my WHO KNEW? Anyway, thanks girl, like I've said before you f'n rock! Go ahead, go check out her blog HERE you'll probably love it and stuff. I know I sure do. Ok ladies and germs, I gotta split and make dinner. But I will be back a little later tonight and tell everyone about my lovely trip to the grocery store with my six year old....don't worry, it's ok....I let him ride back in the trunk...teehee.
Luv, Hugs & Blessed Be!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The FINAL Destination

It's about damn time! I have been wishing and hoping for so long that there would be a new one coming out and low-and-behold.....THERE IS! If you haven't seen the preview, then feast your eyes on this link right here (go ahead, click know you want to): YouTube Official Trailer
(Thanks YouTube!)
Ohhhh, interesting, isn't it? AND so far, rumor is that it's in 3d! Tell me that's not a cinegasm and a half! I am so dragging Syn with me to go see this! FOR REAL.