Saturday, January 22, 2011

Please excuse me while I vent

     I recently ended a friendship with someone who had been a major character in my life. We called eachother sisters and when we would introduce ourselves to people in public we would always say, "and this is my sister.....". I ended it because there's was always drama going on in her life. But what she didn't admit to herself or anyone else was that SHE INVITED this drama in and then expected everyone around her to treat her like she is the victim. She cheated on her husband in 2009 with her "high school boyfriend", got pregnant and then had an abortion to cover up her affair. I stood by her through it all, because that's what friends do, right? Anyway, she ended up leaving her husband a month or two later. She was staying with friends and met yet another guy. This one, after dating for him for a month, got arrested for making/selling meth. Oh,, guess who had to clean up the tears. She wasn't upset that he got arrested, she was upset because she couldn't stand to be away from "the love of her life". WTF??? Seriously? Ok, so continuing on with my story.....      He'd been in jail for about a week when my "friend" met another guy. He also used/sold drugs. So, she leaves jailbait and ends up with the guy that I will call "the abuser". They were together for a few months when he started beating her ass. (supposedly) then she SUPPOSEDLY got pregnant with his kid and the guy supposedly beat her so bad that she lost the baby. Confused yet? Try to keep up, kiddos. Now during all of this time, she is still legally married and from what I was told by her mother she was still sleeping with her husband off and on when she needed money. Nice, huh? Of course I didn't know all of this shit while it was happening because she knew I'd go off on her for becoming a whore. So much for her "good christian values", right?
     Where was I? Oh yeah, so, she's still with "the abuser" when "meth-head" gets out of jail. She sees him out in public, runs up to him and kisses him. So, she leaves "the abuser" IN THE PARKING LOT and drives off with "meth-head". She's with this guy a month or less when BOOM...all of a sudden she's pregnant again. And apparently her and "met-head" planned this one. About a month later, she miscarries. She calls me, and of course she's upset...but she doesn't call me to console her, she calls me to tell me that she is pissed at "meth-head" because he doesn't want to try to have another baby until he's got a job. I can say a lot of negative things about "meth-head" but that was seriously the smartest thing I'd ever heard him say.
     Which brings me to why I "broke up" with her. I caught her in so many lies! She lied to "meth-head" about when she actually got together with "the abuser". I know for a FACT that she cheated on "meth-head" with "abuser"....I have the texts that she sent to me by accident, she meant them to be for "abuser". When I confronted her on it, she told me flat out that she was still with "meth-head". When I asked her why she would go out with another man she said AND I QUOTE: "Well, a hot guy asked me out so I was like, why not?" She has two children that won't even speak to her now because she's ignored them while she was switching guys like and AT&T operator switches calls. The thing that started the demise of our friendship was her judging her daughter for cheating on her new husband with her ex husband. She sat there and called her daughter a whore, that her daughter was selfish and that she couldn't beleive that her daughter considered herself to be a Christian. OMG...are you kidding me? Seriously? Uhm, hello, pot? Yeah, kettle would like a word with you. I told her that she has no room to talk that way about her daughter and that the apple didn't fall far from that tree. I've never just been out and out cruel to someone, but damn it....she deserved it. I can't imagine saying something like that about my kid. EVER. 
     So, that's the story of an ended frienship. Why did I end it? Because I'm ALWAYS the one that has to clean up her messes. I'm always the one left holding the kleenex that wipes her tears away. But the real reason? I'm sick of her shit. Totally. Fucking. Over. It. When you've given so much of yourself to someone, in the end, there's nothing left for myself. I saw what the rest of my life would be like if I kept her in it and it was UGLY and HORRIBLE. So, I walked away...and I haven't looked back.
     Ok, I'm done now. Thanks for reading. 

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