Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's A Major Award!

Ok, I know, that's a cheesy title, but I just LOVE A Christmas Story.....cracks me up. But, seriously, I was given a blog award today! How flippin sweet is that? Isn't it cute as hell, too? A huge "Thank You" and a big ol' "YOU F'n ROCK" to my girl MamaJosephine (The Tarot Queen...haha...omg that rhymes!) for thinking of me. I'm honored and kinda surprised that anyone actually reads my WHO KNEW? Anyway, thanks girl, like I've said before you f'n rock! Go ahead, go check out her blog HERE you'll probably love it and stuff. I know I sure do. Ok ladies and germs, I gotta split and make dinner. But I will be back a little later tonight and tell everyone about my lovely trip to the grocery store with my six year old....don't worry, it's ok....I let him ride back in the trunk...teehee.
Luv, Hugs & Blessed Be!

1 comment:

  1. As if you didn't KNOW I read your blog, I comment on every single one! Cuz i'm cool like that!
    LOL I love A Christmas Story Too!!
