Saturday, January 16, 2010

Just Plain Tired

Gawd, I'm so tired. I have been trying and trying to get my ducks in a row so that I can start college and every single time I get one step closer something always pops up. First it was old student loans that needed to be taken care of. THEN it was a waiting game for the company through which the loans were through to send a letter to the college that I am applying to saying that my loan payments were up-to-date and being paid....which they are. So, after my college got that letter I thought "Oh, goodie! I'm so close I can taste the veneer on the desk!" Then, one thing kept popping up over another. I stuck with it and took it all one day at a time. I was ready....seriously, ready. I had meetings with the student loan department and everything was all set to go......and then, one more thing popped up, keeping me from starting. Apparently there was another loan sitting stagnate from the first college that I started a few years ago. Oh, come on! Seriously? Where the hell did THIS one come from? So, now that I've worked with the consolidation company and they've finally agreed to take this most recent loan on as well. I'm ready to start school, I'm ready to start a new life, and to work toward a reputable career. But I swear, if one more thing pops up, I really don't know if I'll be able to take it. Haven't I proved myself enough? I mean, I've been patient, and even now I'm trying to remain head strong, and focused on my goal. But damn, how much can one person take? I don't know if I can keep it up anymore. I really just want to throw in the towel.

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